Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Still Here!!!

I swear. I'm sorry. Its been nuts around here lately. In the process of a SUPER long post to update everyone on the past month of my life. Literally haven't had a free second since I got back from the States (yeah, I was in America!). Still don't have a free second (with good reason - I've been doing SO much!), its nearly 1 AM and its the first chance I've had all day to even consider writing; but I promise promise promise I will update soon. Stay tuned, I'm still around. Here's proof:

I'm eating some sort of jumbo sea creature (that was looking at me) at 4am in a soju tent in Seoul. See? I've been busy!

Promise to write again in a few days ❤

1 comment:

  1. thank godddd..... i check every day :) love you
